
About Us

Artpad - Non profit organization

Artpad is a nonprofit organization that stimulates the artistic mind of elderly with dementia and veterans with PTSD express their creative skills through various art programs and other positive reinforcement through art.

Art therapy is a form of expression a therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The creative process involved in expressing oneself artistically can help people to resolve issues as well as develop and manage their behaviors and feelings, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem and awareness.

Artpad - Non Profit Organization

  • Children often find it difficult to find words and to express themselves and communicate their feelings. They may not feel comfortable or even want to talk to adults especially when there are expectations that they ‘should’ talk.
  • Rather, a safe space is created for the child or adolescent to express themselves at their own pace and in their own way.
  • Given a safe contained space to do so, children innately know exactly what they need (in terms of art materials) and what they want to do or make in the room.
  • The Art becomes the bridge between the unconscious and conscious, allowing what has not yet formed into words to be expressed and released. This can then later be processed, reflected on and explored in order to find meaning.
  • Some of the benefits of Artpad are that children will develop their innate creativity and spontaneity and imagination, build confidence, learn new skills, nurture emotional growth, work through difficulties, have the freedom to make decisions, experiment with and test out new ideas and ways of being in the world, expression and working through of emotions, anxiety and conflict.
  • The process also develops personal insight, self-awareness and reflection, ordering of experiences visually and verbally, and of course relaxation.


Art programs are not always affordable and accessible in low income neighborhoods and with this program we can promote the programs with various partnerships such as